Word of the Day

隠 - secret; hidden

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  Kanji Meaning
戦 to fight; fight; wa
戯 trick; drama; play
戸 a household
払 brush away
抜 pull up; pull out;
択 to select; to choose
拠 to occupy
拡 enlarge
挙 to lift; to hold u
写 to write
掲 lift off
揺 shake
携 to carry
摂 collect
撃 to hit; to strike
斉 even; to make even
斎 studio
験 to examine; to test
暁 to know; to tell
暦 calendar
条 a strip, measurement for length
栄 glory; honored
桜 cherry
桟 warehouse
検 to check
楼 floor
楽 happy; laugh
様 appearance; shape
権 authority; power
齢 age